News What’s New News Releases Research News Others What’s New News Releases Research News Others Research News 2018.07.04 How the mammalian brain sexually differentiates – hypothalamic Ptf1a confers the competence (Published on Cell Reports) Research News 2018.06.18 What part of the brain controls arousal?ーthe function of matrix cells in ventromedial thalamic nucleus(Published on Nature Communications) Research News 2018.06.14 Reversible Changes to Neural Proteins May Explain Sleep Need (published on Nature) Research News 2018.05.24 An unexpected chemosensor pathway for innate fear behavior against predator odor (published on Nature Communications) Research News 2018.03.14 Sleep changes in mice during pregnancy and preeclampsia model mice(Published on SLEEP) Research News 2017.11.20 A neuropeptide that regulates behavior: a key to ease excessive fear (published on Nature Communications) Research News 2017.09.30 Why do we fall asleep when bored? (published on Nature Communications) Research News 2017.09.22 Cannabis, “Spice” – better think twice (published on Scientific Reports) Research News 2017.09.11 Cannot sleep due to stress? Here is the cure (published on Scientific Reports) Research News 2017.06.28 The secret connection between anxiety and sleep (published on J Neuroscience) Research News 2017.05.16 Wake-promoting compound validated ― the first step to deliver a magic bullet for curing narcolepsy (published on PNAS) Research News 2017.04.12 Memory can be manipulated using auditory stimuli during sleep (published on Scientific Reports) 12345<>