Dr. Abe (right 1st) and Mr. Nishida (left 2nd)


Two IIIS members received “The Best Presentation Award” at JSSR

 Dr. Takashi Abe, Associate Professor of the International Institute for Integrative Medical Science of Sleep (WPI-IIIS) and Mr. Kei Nishida (Yanagisawa / Funato Lab), 2nd year Ph.D.Program in Humanics student at the University of Tsukuba, received “The Best Presentation Award” at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Sleep research (JSSR) held in Yokohama from September 15 to 17, 2023.
 Dr. Abe’s presentation title was “レム睡眠中の標的記憶再活性化法が感情歓喜画像課題時の事象関連脳電位に及ぼす影響”, while Mr. Nishida’s was “GPCRと共役する三量体Gタンパク質G12の駆動による睡眠覚醒制御”.

Dr. Abe (left) and Mr. Nishida
The 45th Annual Meeting of JSSR

