
Information on Radio broadcasting: Dr. Masashi Yanagisawa will appear on “Asking anything curious by Mr. Matsutoya” (TOKYO FM 80.0)

Dr. Masashi Yanagisawa, Director of the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS), University of Tsukuba, will appear on radio broadcasting “Asking anything curious by Mr. Matsutoya” (TOKYO FM) scheduled to air on 2 consecutive Fridays, January 24 and 31.
Dr. Yanagisawa will be asked several questions by Mr. Matsutoya “what is happening while we sleep”, “will human ever be able to stay awake without sleep” and so on. Don’t miss it!

Program TOKYO FM 80.0 “Asking anything curious by Mr. Matsutoya“
Schedule Friday, January 24 and 31, 17:30 ~17:55
Program page Link
YouTube backnumber #1:January 24, Monday (Link)
#2:January 31, Monday (Link)


  • Information on Radio broadcasting: Dr. Masashi Yanagisawa will appear on “Asking anything curious by Mr. Matsutoya” (TOKYO FM 80.0)