EventsIIIS Seminar 2017.12.07 82th WPI-IIIS Seminar (June 30) Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University, TaiwanDr. Shien-Fong Lin 2017.12.07 81th WPI-IIIS Seminar (June 24) Life Science Institute Zhejiang University, ChinaDr. Xiangwei He 2017.12.07 80th WPI-IIIS Seminar (June 24th) Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Baylor College of Medicine, U.S.A.Dr. Zheng Zhou 2017.12.07 79th WPI-IIIS Seminar (June 13th) Center for Genetics of Host Defense UT Southwestern Medical Center / HHMI USADr. Zhijian Chen 2017.12.07 78th WPI-IIIS Seminar (June 10th) Division of Genomic Technologies, PMI RIKEN, YokohamaDr. Oleg Gusev 2017.12.07 77th WPI-IIIS Seminar (April 13th) Institure of Transformative Bio-Molecules(WPI-ITbM), Nagoya UniversityDr. Kenichiro Itami 2017.12.07 76th WPI-IIIS Seminar (March 1st) Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute and Department of Neurology Weill Cornell Medical CollegeDr. Makoto Ishii 2017.12.07 75th WPI-IIIS Seminar (February 25th) Harvard Medical School Chairman Department of Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterDr. Clifford B. Saper 2017.12.07 74th WPI-IIIS Seminar (February 25th) Department of Biological Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyDr. Seung-Hee Lee 2017.12.07 73th WPI-IIIS Seminar (January 20th) Associate Vice President, Merck Research LaboratoriesDr. John J. Renger 2017.12.07 72th WPI-IIIS Seminar (January 20th) Executive Director, Merck Research LaboratoriesDr. Paul J. Coleman 2017.12.07 71th WPI-IIIS Seminar (January 6th) The Center for Genomic Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate School of MedicineDr. Fumihiko Matsuda 1234567891011121314<>